Welcome to the fam…
I do my best to send you an email once per month, but it doesn’t always happen. Sometimes I wait until I know I have something really good to share…like right now!
It’s an illustrated poem called; Don’t Force The Flow…Follow The Feelgood. I made it to help guide you out of a funk and into feeling good (a.k.a the feelgood), no matter what you’re going through. It’s fun, quick, and easy.
After you’ve read it, feel free to hit ‘reply’ to this email and let me know what you think!
Thanks again for joining and I’ll talk to you soon,
xo Tiff
P.S. If you don’t see an email from me at the beginning of the month CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER! Then be sure to add me to your contacts so you don’t miss out on any upcoming fun.
If you're not sure how to do that, read below OR CLICK HERE FOR WHITELISTING INSTRUCTIONS.
Whitelist me!
I promise, this takes only seconds.
If you’re using any email client other than Gmail, visit whitelist.guide and choose your email provider.
If you are using Gmail, the only foolproof way to whitelist a sender is to create a filter that categorizes the sender’s emails as belonging in the Primary inbox. This is not complicated at all, and takes less than 20 seconds. (It can only be done in a browser, though, not in a smartphone app.)
First, click the three dots in the right-hand corner of the email and choose “Filter messages like these.”
Then, make sure the “From” line says “tiffany@followthefeelgood.com” and click “Create filter.” which is located on the bottom right, next to the ‘search’ button.
Finally, check these 3 boxes:
“Never send to Spam,”
“Categorize as:” - then from the dropdown menu choose “Primary,”
“Also apply filters” - then choose “matching conversation(s),” and
click “Create filter” again.
That’s it! Now you can enjoy receiving the emails you signed up for.